Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Well Executed Plan

It is too quiet... something must be afoot...




An open box of ice cream sandwiches!!! The plot thickens...


Yeah, I think I see something there...


And Bingo! The thief enjoying his spoils. Another successful plan enacted.


Final score: Liam - 1, Mom - 0 (Time: 8:15am, this is going to be a great day)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

MyChew - My favorite new candy and commercial

Aena gave Don and the kids some candy that she got from Korea. It is a-w-e-s-o-m-e!!! It tastes really good (made from fruit juice) and is kind of like gum but eventually dissolves. Don compares it to Starburst, but I think it is much better. Now the only problem is... how the heck do I get MORE!?!?!?!?

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Salvage of Don's Sanity

After several days of working pretty continuously (day and night) at his job I was able to extract Don from his basement office to enjoy a gorgeous fall afternoon with Liam and I. We took Liam to Lower Cato Falls park and walked around and played at the playground. Liam thought it was "Awesome". The colors of the trees are probably not being justly portrayed in the photos but it was glorious. The crunching beneath our feet was well appreciated by all. Liam was intent upon swimming in the river but we nixed the idea and had him pose on a really big rock instead. He thought that was a good tradeoff. Enjoy our pics!





Jane's 33rd Year Celebration

Ah yes, I am the big 33! To help me celebrate were the Vaters, Seilers, and Maurers. Thanks to all for the wonderful gifts and the warm well wishes. Thanks to all those who phoned or sent cards or both (we won't mention the forgetters, you know who you are!!!). Hopefully we will be able to share many more of these special days together.


Old Windows No More

On Saturday, Oct. 4th mom and dad came over to help install the new front windows Don and I bought. You may need a reminder of why we bought them.

Liam thought that since he broke it he ought to help fix things. He got out his tool belt and his drill so he could work side by side with daddy. Note that he needs to be right in there.


And......After! They still need to be stained but what a difference. Special thanks to Dad for his help, and mom for letting dad help.


Now we can really spy on the neighbors. Doris style. (For those that are unaware, Doris is our cantankerous neighbor who has a frighteningly accurate knowledge of all that goes on in the neighborhood)

Pumpkin Picking at its Finest

We went pumpkin picking with the Maurers and had a great time, as always. The kids were very specific in their pumpkin choices, although Quinn felt there were several that were worthy (every other one). No pumpkin would have been left behind if she had gotten her way. Often did we hear the phrase "I only have so much money!" from Jen. Fortunately we had plenty of money for all of our great pumpkin choices and everyone got to get what they wanted. And of course there were the famous poses on the haybale background. (Everyone was vying to touch the biggest pumpkin in the photo.)