Joke 1
Catherine: Knock-knockIt took me a few days before I realized that the joke should have been "Orange you gonna lock the door?" where "Orange" is like "Aren't" in classic knock-knock verbiage. Catherine probably assumed that all fruits are interchangeable and went with our fuzzy friend, the peach. Liam still liked it.
Liam: Who's there?
Catherine: Peach!
Liam: Peach Who?
Catherine: Peach you gonna lock the door?
Liam: Ha ha ha.
Joke 2
Liam: Knock-knockThis one is a bit easier to understand. Liam gave the punch-line when he should have just said "Ahhch" and Catherine responded in kind. Then Liam laughed at his own awesome joke.
Catherine: Who's there?
Liam: Ahhchoo!
Catherine: God bless you who?
Liam: Ha ha ha.