Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Liam got to visit the emergency room today! We got up, ate breakfast, and were lounging in our pj's having a regular lazy morning and decided to play a little wrestling and tickle torture. Liam and I were having a good time when Catherine decided to join in on the fun. While I was busy tickling Catherine, Liam launched himself over me and went head first and upside down into the entertainment center. Before he even got over the initial impact I had grabbed him and made a run for the kitchen. Then the blood started flowing!!! Screaming ensued: Liam in pain, me for Don to come quick, Catherine in sympathy for Liam's wound. I ran upstairs to throw on some clothes (there was no way I was going to the ER in pajamas), and we were out the door, in the car, and on our way to the hospital. A few minutes with a nurse and one staple in the head later and we were back home again good as new.

A quick note: If you need to go to the ER, Tuesday morning at 8:30am is a great time. There was nobody in the waiting room and that is the fastest I have ever had a doctor respond to an injury ever. Wow. (He did try to use the stapler upside down at first - Don wanted to know if there was a wet bar in the doctor's lounge...)

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