Sunday, January 18, 2009

Another Fun Adventure

Don - "Liam, Liam, where are you and what are you doing? Ohhhhh......"


Note #1: See the lack of chairs or anything used to climb onto the counter. That's right.


Liam - "GET OUT OF HERE!!!!" (Translation: You are spoiling my plans)

Note #2 - This is one of the cupboards with the lock as you can see. How did he get in here???

Note #3 - See those scissors? This cupboard will be raided in the future with those in mind. Oh yeah, he'll remember exactly what is in here.


Liam's probable thought process... "Wow, would you look at that!! I am sure I could do a LOT with this thing. Look at all my options. And I really didn't get enough weapons for Christmas. This is great!!"


"I have made my choice. Fear me..."

Note #4 - We are currently interviewing potential military schools, and penitentiaries. I only cry sometimes.

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