Monday, April 06, 2009

New Chairs

Well, they are sort of new. Newly refurbished anyway. At 3 hours apiece I will really be appreciative if Liam is good from now on and decides to stay away from sharp objects.

They were indeed a chore. The obsessive compulsive genes that I inherited from my mother demanded that I take apart each chair and get all of the material pulled just right and all of the cord stapled on so they looked as close to perfect as humanly possible. Liam did try to help with the electric stapler but I was not too keen on that idea.

Here is the before. Nasty, worn down padding...


And here is the after...


Ahhhh, just look at that nice poofy seat. A treat for the butt to be sure. And another project under the belt.


caryn said...

caryn likes this!

Lauren said...

They're gorgeous, Jane. Nice work!