Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Ungrateful Daughter

This is an "IN YOUR FACE" to my mom who only gave me this plant because she couldn't grow it and I am sure she didn't want to be responsible for its ultimate death. What would be a better idea than to give it to someone who is notorious for killing house plants? Little did we know that the perfect conditions for this particular plant would be found in my living room! What are the odds? Anyway not only does this plant now thrive, it is growing flowers!!! Ha ha ha mom.


A Weekend Away

Don has had several weekends of on call work in the last month so we thought it would be nice to take a break. The kids have constantly been asking to go to the fondly-remembered Kalahari water park. While going to the Dells in the summer sounds rather like a recipe for disaster, we thought "why not?". We did however keep putting off making reservations for one reason or another until there were no good deals left. We decided to head somewhere local instead, so we thought we would try out Tundra Lodge in Green Bay.

Headed to GB on Saturday and lucked out with early check-in. Got to our room and Catherine was thrilled to discover her new all time favorite thing: bunk beds. She immediately claimed top but allowed Liam to hang out up there as well.



After changing as-fast-as-humanly-possible into suits, we made the trek down the long hallway to the elevator and down to "the most amazing place you have ever taken us" (quote from Catherine).


Don and I liked the fact that it wasn't so huge that we wouldn't ever be able to find Liam again if he decided to bolt. (Which you know he did on several occasions.) His favorite activity was going from bear paw to bear paw using the rope assist. I think he must have done it about 100 times. At first he kept falling off because he thought it would be smarter to just cross by running from pad to pad. After nearly drowning all those times he smartened up and started using the rope. By the end of the weekend he was a pro. (Of course)



Catherine was thrilled that she was tall enough to go down the tube slides by herself on her very own inflatable. Liam was not pleased that he had to be chaperoned but in the end the fun of it outweighed his displeasure. I attempted several times to catch them coming out of the tunnels but they were so quick this is the best I was able to get... you can almost make out that it is Liam and Don, and that they are smiling.


Catherine also found out what having a Connor is like. She met Taylor and of course they were "best friends forever"! The two of them spent most of their time together running around like crazies which is how I had a hard time getting photos of them. It was indeed a sad parting on Sunday when Taylor's mom said "Get over here right now young man! It is time to GO! Don't make me come in there and get you!" and he was physically dragged away. Ah, young love...


There was also a lazy river that James would have been proud of. There was a section that had geysers bubbling up and the kids thought it was great. Don and Liam got stuck in it.


Overall, four tired family members had a great weekend.


Best picture ever. (Love the hair on my boys)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Trip to the Lighthouse

Don was on call so I thought it would be nice to do something I thought would be entertaining with the kids. It had been really hot so I decided that the best thing would be to venture out early in the morning so that we could enjoy ourselves without sweating. What could be better than a trip to the lighthouse? Apparently a lot of things.

lighthouse 001

The kids were not keen on being there and plodded along reluctantly asking "do we have to go all the way out to the lighthouse?" Being the stubborn individual that I am I said "absolutely". After using all of my tricks: count the boats, look at the seagulls, etc. they were most entertained with the idea of playing dead on the X that we found that marked the spot. Liam is a natural. Catherine's pose is confusing, perhaps she was told to put her hands in the air before she was "ended". We'll never know.

lighthouse 003

We did reach our destination to find many colorful thoughts written all over the lighthouse. Fortunately for me Liam cannot read. Unfortunately Catherine can. After a discussion of what things should not be written or repeated in public we made our way back.

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After promises of strawberry shakes to whomever would stop complaining about the never-ending walk, we reached the car. Tell me again why I bother trying to come up with adventure ideas?

lighthouse 004